Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Market Study

I've decided to aim my video at the Young Men and Young Women (teenagers) in the church. With this audience, then, I've decided that it would be useful to send it (or a prototype of it) to the youth leaders in the church and see what they think of it. I also want to show it to the people I hope would actually benefit from it (aka teenagers in the church).
So I've made up a list of some people that I am going to contact about my video. I've divided them into two groups: people who I want to see the video, and people I want to help me make the video.

  • People I'll send it to:
    • Bobbie Jaspers:  a former Young Women leader. She is still pretty involved with the youth in my home ward, so she would know if they would like or appreciate the video.
    • Shirley Powell:  former seminary and Young Women teacher. She knows everything about everything the kids back home do, plus she loves me. She'd be happy to give me some feedback!
    • Whoever the current Young Women President in my ward is:  I don't know who it is right now, but I'll get my mom to tell me. Obviously she would know what the Young Women in my home ward like and if my video would be something they'd watch willingly. 
    • Joy Anderson:  ward Young Women counselor AND a former stake Young Women leader. AND she's my neighbor and my mom's best friend, so she pretty much can't say no to me. She has connections both in the stake and in my ward. I would like to see if she or someone else can distribute my video around the stake and see what other youth leaders outside of my ward  think of it. Maybe they can even show it to the teenagers in their wards.
    • Jim Bell:  bishop of my home ward. Nuff said. He knows everything about the ward and the kids in it. 
    • My mom:  she had 6 kids. She knows a little something about what they like.
    • Dr. Burton's wife:  apparently he has talked to her and she's interested in it. She's a Young Women leader, so that's helpful. We'll see what happens!
  • People in the limelight:
    • Me. I hope I can get in contact with her.
    • Sadie Klein:  lived in Florida, and went on a fifteen-minute rant when I asked her if she ever had any experiences because she was a Mormon. She's got plenty of stories and said she didn't mind being filmed.
    • Travis Moore or Thomas Sheffield:  both of these guys have higher-quality cameras, so I hope I can borrow one so that the movie doesn't look super ghetto. 
    • Jeni Perez:  I posted on Facebook about my project and she offered to tell me some stories about her experiences! I'll post about her response later.
    • Katherine Morris:  one of Dr. Burton's former students. Apparently she's from California and had to deal with the whole prop 8 thing. I sent her an email so I'll post when and if she responds. 
    • James Blackburn:  my roommate's fiancee. He's got a ton of crazy stories, too. I don't know if the youth will be able to relate to him because he has a beard and he's obviously much older than them, but we'll see what he has to say anyway. 
    • The Ontiveros family:  my family (in case you couldn't guess). I have brothers and sisters who all, like me, grew up in a town with about twelve Mormons total in the school. We've all had to listen to people asking us ridiculous questions about being Mormon. I'll talk to all of them and see what they have to say.
I don't know how many people can be involved in my video because I don't want it to be too long, but I think everyone I contact will have something to offer that will help my video go in the direction it needs to. 

Updates to come later!

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